A bald eagle |
February 16, 2007
If it's too cold to stand out and wait for a bald eagle to fly down the Hudson river, you can sit at your home computer and observe these majestic birds.
The Dynergy plant has cameras aimed at the roosts used by eagles along the shore in Danskammer Park. All you have to do is click and wait.
Here's what a Dynergy employee told the Hudson River Almanac about she saw last week: "The eagles put on a show today right in front of my office at Dynegy. Three immatures and two adults fought over a fish on the same piece of ice. One bird's band was blue (a New York State banded eagle). I have recently counted at least 20 eagles; this morning we had nine in one tree. The eagles are showing up in our WEBCAM. "
Oh, I know I'm the editor of this site and all, but I just clicked on the Eagle Camera link to make sure that it was working and, sure enough, a bald eagle swooped by. It was a thrill!
posted by administrator on 02/17/07 at 12:00 AM
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